Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Mojo's cording experiment is going well. He's getting a bit more matted every day. His fur is nice when it's matted, really. It's thicker.

For Valentine's Day we got Mojo a new hump toy. The potato is getting kinda old and crufty, so we got him...the foghorn! It's a Valentine's Day stuffed dog, and Mojo was all over it. He basically assaulted it. Needless to say, it's Mojo's newest favorite toy.

We also changed his diet a bit. At a nearby pet store (Natural Pet) they had these cans of food made of, get this, Austrailian (or New Zealand) Brushtails. Mojo really loves the stuff, and although the can is kinda pricey, well, he's helping the people down under get rid of their vermin. And isn't that priceless?

Well, not really, but it's sort of funny that a pest & varmint has been turned into pet food.

Mojo's at agility right now. The class is a beginner class, which is bad. I've been watching and they've been doing basic stuff for the last 45 minutes. Maybe it's fun for him, but watching it is, well, boring, especially since we've actually run real courses. It's a good warmup, I suppose.

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